Power Flow

Power Flow

Our strongest yoga class. Explore your physical edge with power yoga! This is a vinyasa flow class at the next level. Teachers offer a strong, advanced practice that can up level your body and mind. During this class, you might learn new poses such as arm balances and inversions, or maybe you will hold the poses for a longer amount of time. Expect to sweat, be challenged, and grow.

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Power Flow
  • Full Body Sculpt

    "In this short and sweet class, we target major muscle groups to build heat and strength. Think less yoga and more toning with a few yoga moments. This is a great way to fit in a little burn without the full time commitment of an hour.


  • Strength Building Power Flow

    We will explore moving at different speeds through sequences to build strength and elevate your heart rate!

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work! https://open.spotify.com/user/4x5pimcammwtnf2tsbul4nkw4?si=12fe09c1977a40ab

  • Core Power Flow

    Welcome to this Core Power Flow, where yoga meets fitness to sculpt and strengthen your core and glutes. This session is designed to enhance balance, stability, and overall strength through targeted movements.

    Your warm-up primes your body with core activation and stabilization exercises, settin...

  • Power Flow: Challenge with a Twist

    Take 10 minutes to settle into a powerful twist. We will spend 12 minutes getting into some nutty fruity details of what we might want to wake up and release before we get to our peak pose: side crow.

    Have fun, enjoy! See you soon.

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work! https:...

  • Fire Power

    I’m out of breath talking, teaching and doing it! You will be out of breath too. Lots of movement. Tons of fun. Definitely a challenge.

    Check out my Spotify playlist, and let's do the work: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4cErgup37QB24a4kSmSsH1?si=B2nQfUHQS3SRK1EC7fCfTA&pi=u-DrdNSyGcRhif

  • Booty Burn Flow

    Activate your peach with this spicy flow! Finding fun ways to move around the mat and activate your glutes along the way - let me know if you’re sore after!

    Check out my Spotify playlist, and let's get to work! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/72EnrcvN7Nb1zALZcZVDAu?si=UcVTkguPREaFh2pfLg1L-g&pi...

  • Do this Flow to Feel Powerful (enough to go upside-down!)

    In this 40 min flow, you will build all of the strength required to go upside-down! This flow is all levels, and focuses on movements which will translate directly to arm balances and inversions of your choice! Whether you are trying to unlock handstand, crow, or headstand, this flow is a fantast...

  • Build Unlimited Strength by Unlocking the L-sit

    In this 25 minute video, you will be building the strength prerequisites required to unlock the L-sit. The L-sit is a fundamental body weight strength training movement, useful in many yoga and calisthenics transitions. It is also a fantastic way to train your core (six pack!), upper body, and ov...

  • Dancers Pose Flow

    A fluid sequence challenging your strength and balance focusing on dancers pose.

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work! https://open.spotify.com/user/4x5pimcammwtnf2tsbul4nkw4?si=12fe09c1977a40ab

  • Peacock Flow

    Find your flow straight into peacock pose! Take the warm up classes first, or if you feel ready, jump right in with this 25 min journey to peacock. Play around, have fun and allow yourself to fall!

    Check out my Spotify playlist, and let's do the work! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0kstawYH5p...

  • Flying Pigeon Flow

    Spread your wings with me and work on the inversion flying pigeon! I will break down the pose and offer building blocks to work toward flying high. Then we’ll incorporate the pose into a flow that will build the strength and flexibility for the inversion along the way!

    Check out BSY's Spotify p...

  • Lunch Crunch

    A quick, powerful, core centered workout you can squeeze into your lunch break or any other time you need to move your body, but you’re on a time crunch!

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work! https://open.spotify.com/user/4x5pimcammwtnf2tsbul4nkw4?si=12fe09c1977a40ab

  • Power Balance

    30 minute powerful flow to start or reset your day! Challenge your balance with variations on traditional poses like warrior one and chair twist. Click open with a playful attitude.

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work! https://open.spotify.com/user/4x5pimcammwtnf2tsbul4nkw4?si...

  • Yoga for Strength: Pushing

    Rather than doing more push-ups to get stronger, here I’m focusing on quality of movement to efficiently build lasting strength that will seamlessly translate to your practice.

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work! https://open.spotify.com/user/4x5pimcammwtnf2tsbul4nkw4?si=12f...

  • Yoga for Strength: Back Body

    This 15 minute video demonstration shows you which poses to use and what cues are most important to build back strength in your yoga practice.

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work! https://open.spotify.com/user/4x5pimcammwtnf2tsbul4nkw4?si=12fe09c1977a40ab

  • Yoga for Strength: Leg Balancing

    Practicing these short, simple exercises will build leg strength that translates to your asana practice as well as your daily life. Guaranteed to challenge you!

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work! https://open.spotify.com/user/4x5pimcammwtnf2tsbul4nkw4?si=12fe09c1977a40ab

  • Yoga for Strength: Core

    In this video I demo and explain the two main cues I use to engage the core. We will spend time isometrically to strengthening the larger muscles, for serious core strength. Then we’ll get into some more dynamic core exercises.

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work! https://ope...

  • Family Matters

    When the kids are extra "cute" and the in-laws are on your already shot nerves and you need to move that body fast and furious style. This is quick and dirty and will get your heart rate up and make you forgot what had your jaw clenched.

    Check out my Family Maters playlist, and let's do the work...

  • Forearm Planks

    Welcome to Video 2 of the Abs & Core program. In today's class, the focus will be on movements from forearm plank. Forearm planks are great for building stability in the core, allowing for greater freedom of movement, and preventing injuries. They also provide lots of definition to the abdominal ...

  • Crunches

    Welcome to Video 1 of the Abs & Core program. In today's class, we'll delve into mainly crunching exercises, helping to build core strength and endurance in the mid-section. A classic. Here are the exercises:

    Toe Touch
    Slow Bike
    Elbow-Knee Crunch
    Clamshell Side Plank
    Bridge Extension
    Crucifix Cr...

  • Lower Abs

    Welcome to Video 5 of the Abs & Core program. As the name of the class implies, this workout is all about the lower abs. Not only is it incredibly functional and advantageous to have a strong lower core, but lower abs look great! Especially as we sit more, our lower abs or hip flexor muscles tend...

  • Posterior Chain

    Welcome to Video 4 of the Abs & Core program. This class is all about working the back side of the core, or lower back muscles. While it's not the first thing you may think of when shaping your core, it's ESSENTIAL to work this area for balance, as well as for health and longevity. Here are the e...

  • Boat and Hollow Body

    Welcome to Video 3 of the Abs & Core program. Today's class has a mix of boat variations, compressive strength exercises, and some posterior chain work. These movements help reinforce strength and compression through the rectus abdominis, obliques, and lower back muscles. This one is a scorcher! ...

  • High Planks

    Welcome to Video 6 of the Abs & Core program.The final class of the series! Congratulations on making it to the last workout of the week. You've put in lots of hard work and the rest day is right around the corner. The focus of today is around high plank movements. This is not only great for your...