Journey to Peacock Pose

Journey to Peacock Pose

Use these three classes to warm you up for Peacock Pose! Take individually as quickies, or take one after the other to build you up to a peak.

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Journey to Peacock Pose
  • Journey to Peacock Pose Intro

    Use these three classes to warm you up for Peacock Pose! Take individually as quickies, or take one after the other to build you up to a peak.

  • Wrist Warm Up

    Use this quick warm up to prepare you for any arm balances. This class will help strengthen and release your wrists from everything we do all day with our phones & computers while setting you up for success balancing on your hands!

    Check out my Spotify playlist, and let's do the work! https://op...

  • Warm up for Peacock Pose

    This class will warm up your core, shoulders & wrists for peacock pose. Prepare yourself quickly for one of the more challenging arm balances, even if you don't feel ready for the full pose!

    Check out my Spotify playlist, and let's do the work!

  • Peacock Flow

    Find your flow straight into peacock pose! Take the warm up classes first, or if you feel ready, jump right in with this 25 min journey to peacock. Play around, have fun and allow yourself to fall!

    Check out my Spotify playlist, and let's do the work!