Abs & Core Series

Abs & Core Series

This series is all about building core strength and stability, as well as creating visible 6-pack abs. There are 6 videos total and should be approached by taking 1 class/day, leaving 1 day of rest per week. The workouts are short and compact and can be done before or after a larger practice, or done as a stand-alone practice. These videos are meant to be challenging! Just show up, do your best, and watch yourself progress. Enjoy!

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Abs & Core Series
  • Abs & Core Series Intro

    This series is all about building core strength and stability, as well as creating visible 6-pack abs. There are 6 videos total and should be approached by taking 1 class/day, leaving 1 day of rest per week. The workouts are short and compact and can be done before or after a larger practice, or...

  • Crunches

    Welcome to Video 1 of the Abs & Core program. In today's class, we'll delve into mainly crunching exercises, helping to build core strength and endurance in the mid-section. A classic. Here are the exercises:

    Toe Touch
    Slow Bike
    Elbow-Knee Crunch
    Clamshell Side Plank
    Bridge Extension
    Crucifix Cr...

  • Forearm Planks

    Welcome to Video 2 of the Abs & Core program. In today's class, the focus will be on movements from forearm plank. Forearm planks are great for building stability in the core, allowing for greater freedom of movement, and preventing injuries. They also provide lots of definition to the abdominal ...

  • Boat and Hollow Body

    Welcome to Video 3 of the Abs & Core program. Today's class has a mix of boat variations, compressive strength exercises, and some posterior chain work. These movements help reinforce strength and compression through the rectus abdominis, obliques, and lower back muscles. This one is a scorcher! ...

  • Posterior Chain

    Welcome to Video 4 of the Abs & Core program. This class is all about working the back side of the core, or lower back muscles. While it's not the first thing you may think of when shaping your core, it's ESSENTIAL to work this area for balance, as well as for health and longevity. Here are the e...

  • Lower Abs

    Welcome to Video 5 of the Abs & Core program. As the name of the class implies, this workout is all about the lower abs. Not only is it incredibly functional and advantageous to have a strong lower core, but lower abs look great! Especially as we sit more, our lower abs or hip flexor muscles tend...

  • High Planks

    Welcome to Video 6 of the Abs & Core program.The final class of the series! Congratulations on making it to the last workout of the week. You've put in lots of hard work and the rest day is right around the corner. The focus of today is around high plank movements. This is not only great for your...