Black Swan Yoga Essentials

Black Swan Yoga Essentials

The vibe we want to share this month. Here's your specially curated BSY classes, always on deck for your practice.
Beginner Flow, Flow, Power Flow, Slow Flow, Chill, Meditation, and Hot Onnit! Pick your poison and we will see you on your mat!

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Black Swan Yoga Essentials
  • Forearm Stand Tutorial

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Forearm Stand is known in Sanskrit as Pincha Mayurasana and one of my all time favorite postures - probably because it took me so long to build up the strength and...

  • Hurdler / Albatross Tutorial

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Eka Pada Koundinyasana also known as albatross or hurdler pose improves balance and core strength, stretches the hamstrings and groins, and strengthens the arms. B...

  • Bird of Paradise Tutorial

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    In this quick video I take you step by step into Svarga Dvijasana, or Bird of Paradise. Dvija means “twice born” and Svarga means “paradise.” The aim of this asana...

  • Sun Salutation Breakdown

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Often we go through sun salutations too quickly and default into poor form that can do more harm than good over time. Here we'll go through each section of the sun...

  • Upward Facing Dog

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Upward Facing Dog breakdown - we’ll go over the correct alignment and engagement for upward facing dog, and show you some stepping stones to get into the posture.

  • Chaturanga

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Chaturanga Pose breakdown - we’ll go over the correct alignment and engagement for chaturanga, and show you some stepping stones to get into the posture.

  • Downward Facing Dog Foundations

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Downward Facing Dog- Here is one of the important and foundational postures in yoga. Learning how to properly engage different muscle groups to create length in th...

  • Crow Pose Confidence

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Crow Pose- This pose if the first posture to begin learning how to go upside down. Crow pose will you give you the confidence in how to take weight in your upper b...

  • Upward Facing Dog Execution

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Upward Facing Dog- Here is a tutorial on to properly execute up dog. To avoid crunching the lower back and to open our hearts without compromising other limbs.

  • Chaturanga Tutorial

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Chaturanga- For many years I allowed my shoulders to take the full force from the yoga push ups. This tutorial provides tips on how to engage other muscles to allo...

  • Half Splits with Marco

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Half Splits- Here is a tutorial on how to stretch your hamstrings with more emphasis on muscular engagement. Perfect complement to any other vigorous activity. Thi...

  • Fallen Angel Pose Breakdown

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Fallen angel is awesome!

  • Hearts and Hips with Cande

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    This is a quick beginner friendly flow with all the heart openers and hip openers.

  • Flow: Heart Centered + Fiery

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlists!

    Heart Centered Flow that will focus on the space between the shoulders, "the backdoor of the heart"

  • Heart Open Heart Strong

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Grab yourself a block and focus your intention on opening the heart. Be playful, be patient and remind yourself there is strength in vulnerability and feeling. Nama...

  • Heart Opening Slow Flow

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    A sequence designed to open your chest and shoulders. Open your heart and feel the freedom in your body and mind

  • Yin: Heart Opening

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Slow down and open up your heart with some deep yin stretches. This practice is a wonderful start or end to your day, or anytime you want to connect to your three d...

  • Meditation: Heart Chakra

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!

    Take some time out of your busy schedule to focus on the love you have for yourself. Once you love yourself it will be that much easier to love and appreciate thos...

  • Hot Onnit: Jungle

    Check out BSY's Spotify playlist and let's do the work!